We want to help you make the most of this Christmas season. Here are some thoughts:

1. Make a plan.  Make a plan for the holidays to make sure your people are loved, memories are made, and Christ is exalted above all.

2. Set the tone.  Decorate your home, your room, your office, your car - the change of environment and unique ambience sets the season apart. Light a candle, play some music, smells and sounds help and are part of God’s common grace to us!

3. Give generously.  God became a man in Jesus so that He could show us extravagant generosity. Find ways to give big like Jesus in this season. Be sure to get the kids involved too. They will be showered with gifts; help them look to others!

4. Carve out time.  Carve out time for special events and experiences where you can build traditions that are fun and point to Jesus. Break out the calendar and make it happen.

5. Refuse to be Stressed.  Don’t let the demands of the season (and the costs) steal your joy and make you unpleasant.

6. Make memories.  Make memories instead of just giving gifts. In 10 years, the people in your life will be far more impacted by the experiences you shared than the stuff you helped them accumulate. Don't forget our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service!

7. Schedule Christmas dates.  Put a date on the calendar to have a meaningful outing (or Zoom) with the people who need you the most (significant other, child, parent, grandparent).

8. Utilize seasonal resources.  There are plenty of seasonal resources available to help point you to Jesus and make this season meaningful (books, devotionals, movies, playlists, websites).

9. Take a break.  Jesus came to restore us to peace with God, peace with man, and peace within. Take some time off. No shame. Do the things that refresh you the most.

10. Keep your eyes on Jesus!  There will be a million little things vying for your attention. Make sure Jesus gets the FIRST of your attention and the BEST of your attention.